Partner not provider. Put your money where your mouth is!
During a conversation between Don Morrison (Divisional Manager) and Tim Bradshaw (Sandstone) it was suggested that Hydrasun would send two of their recently qualified first aid at work team to a demonstration being run for members of Scottish engineering.
Our MO is not use PowerPoint but to utilise real world scenarios to train participants. The two members of the Hydrasun team were launched into a relatively simple scenario involving an accident in the company car park. They were asked how they felt…
“We have just completed a three-day first aid at work course and we did not know how to react to a live situation!”
This is not a reflection of the participants but a sad indictment of the standard of training they had previously received.
Having proven the case Don and the Sandstone team set about designing a specific course for Hydrasun. We strongly believe that a generic off the shelf Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) or a First Aid at Work (FAW) course does not fit all. Neither is it in line with Health and Safety Executive best practice especially following recent changes to policy around bleed kits.
Critical to saving lives is not only the physical first aid techniques but how you react to and manage the situation. Hydarsun is a high tempo engineering workshop that requires specific training in order to give a casualty the best possible chance of recovery. The casualty must then be managed effectively an extracted safely from a potentially dangerous environment. The course covers all of these elements.
Using our training cycle:
The three-day course, focused on the following key areas:
- Managing the incident
- Treating the First Aid
- Casualty Care
Throughout the 3 day course staff dealt with over 10 live scenarios, learning how to provide critical first aid, whilst managing the incident. They also gained experience in working as a team
” Very well presented and managed course. Team building and confidence building 5*”
The staff of Hydrasun now have the skills and confidence to deal with a medical emergency in the workplace.
Do you and your team?