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The UK’s Health and Safety Executive imposes standards for First Aid provision on companies. In fact, the need for First Aid provision equally exists for all bodies, clubs and leisure activities wherever people gather, relax or exercise together.
The HSE requires that sufficient first-aid equipment, facilities and trained personnel must be available at all times and in all places, depending on the hazards and risks there present.
However, in addition to training and First Aid kits, in order to be compliant with HSE guidance every business must have a current, documented First Aid Needs Assessment.
Sandstone Team members have considerable real world experience in leadership and resilience gained from business, the military and participation in expeditions and aid missions. No surprise then that we have wide experience also in teaching leadership and resilience. In addition, Mike and Tim have used their wide experience in First Aid training and practice to implement our hands-on First Aid training courses.
Head of Operations
Chief First Aid Instructor
CFO and Consultant
Managing Director
Leadership and Management assessor
Leadership and Management assessor