Continuous Professional Development for First Aiders

HSE recommends that all qualified first aiders refresh their skills with a half day CPD session annually.

Immersive Scenario Sessions

Sandstone takes a fresh approach to this training. A member of our team will visit your site and in conjunction with your HSE team create an “incident”. The participants will then react to the situation and their follow-on training will be shaped entirely around managing the incident. In other words, we focus on an area where there is an identified training need.

For those organizations who have trained, in date, first aid staff but are concerned about their ability to respond to a real-life situation, we are able to run half day and full day immersive scenario training at your place of work. This is particularly relevant to organizations where first aid training has been classroom-based and may not reflect the actual working environment.

On completion we can issue a certificate to evidence wider training and compliance with HSE best practice.

We are associate members of:

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CILT - Click here

Our Team

Sandstone Team members have considerable real world experience in leadership and resilience gained from business, the military and participation in expeditions and aid missions. No surprise then that we have wide experience also in teaching leadership and resilience. In addition, Mike and Tim have used their wide experience in First Aid training and practice to implement our hands-on First Aid training courses.