FORS Annual Conference 2024

CPC Approved

The Sandstone Communications immersive one day first aid training has qualified for CPC. The course involves participants actually getting hands on with simulated scenarios that are related 100% to the circumstances you might find yourself in. This is not PowerPoint and class rooms. It’s real life saving techniques put into practice.

Our training:

Is scenario based 

Has no written assessments

Qualifies for both CPC and Emergency First Aid at work on the same course.

We've been working in partnership with FORS - Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme and The ATACC Group to create emergency first aid at work training that is designed specifically for professional drivers.

A driver has a hear attack in the cab - What do you do?
An operator is trapped under the trailer. Should you move them?

We are looking forward to bringing these discussions to Birmingham in October. Until then, if you wish to find out more then please get in touch or visit our website.

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