We have been running successful team building experiences for clients' off-sites and conferences for many years. Participants learn to work as a team to address specific challenges, developing their ability to communicate effectively and take advantage of each team member's individual abilities.
WE ALSO OFFER A DIFFERENT APPROACH TO TEAM BUILDING - Instead of, or in addition to, our popular generic team building experiences, why not one that also provides life-saving skills that can be used in any real life situation? Our team have used their extensive first aid training to create a team building experience unique to Sandstone.
Teams are exposed to a number of real-life first aid emergency scenarios, such as a simulated road traffic collision, where they have to take control of the situation and save the casualty. The focus, as for the generic team building exercises, is on working together, communicating under pressure and using each other’s skills effectively.
As well as practicing team-work, each participant receives instruction in life saving first aid and CPR. On completion of the session, in addition to having learned a great deal about working as a team, they will qualify for a Sandstone / ATACC Group life saving certificate.